Growing Marijuana & Making Marijuana Products at Home
When growing or producing cannabis products at home,
taking a few precautions can help keep you and your family safe.

Home Growing
Growing cannabis indoors often requires high-powered lamps, temperature controls, and increased ventilation. Some of the equipment can overload your electrical circuits and may start a fire.
To reduce the risk of electrical fires, have a licensed electrician confirm that your equipment follows all fire codes.

Cannabis Oil Extraction
When making cannabis concentrations at home, it is illegal to extract cannabis oil using flammable materials like propane and butane, that have a flashpoint below 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Those gases release vapors that can trigger explosions. Consider safer extraction materials such as alcohol.

Cannabis-Infused Edibles
Producing edibles at home, like cannabis-infused beverages or baked goods, can be difficult. For example, it can be difficult to spread cannabis evenly throughout the product. As a result, it can be challenging to control the potency and dosage throughout the edible—and its impact on users.

Cannabis Fire Safety
For more information on fire safety and cannabis in your home, click here to view a flyer from the Massachusetts Department of Fire Services.
Safety Tip
If marijuana becomes a problem, seek treatment.
Visit the Massachusetts Substance Abuse Helpline or call 800-327-5050. The Helpline is the only statewide, public resource for finding substance use treatment and recovery services. Helpline services are free and confidential. Caring, trained Specialists will help you understand the treatment system and your options.
Keep cannabis products locked away, and out of reach of children and pets.
Remember: Getting high could impair your decision-making.
Check in with your doctor if you are using marijuana and are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.
Driving with cannabis in your vehicle? Always keep it in a closed container locked in your glove box or trunk.
Start low and go slow with edibles! They can take one to four hours to take effect.
Always get a ride when using cannabis. Never get behind the wheel.
Only adults 21 or older can purchase, consume, or grow adult-use cannabis.